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Trade Union, 1926: An Overview

In the modern world employees play a crucial part in our country. Regardless of how working practices have changed overtime, the role of workers and their important increases day by day. While performing their jobs, employees confront numerous issues in the Factories, Industries, Shops or Enterprises. It is important to preserve and maintain the health and safety of workers.

So that the Indian government has implemented a number of labour legislations. The "TRADE UNIONS ACT, 1926" is one among that. Which was created to foster the relationship between the employees and the employers regarding the terms of employment and conditions of labours working hours, wages and other issues. The Trade Union assist in resolving trade dispute between employers and employees and also the trade union plays significant role in defending the rights of employees.

This Act contains IV chapters and 33 sections. The goal of this article is to go through the pretendant information regarding the statute.

History Of Trade Unionism:
For maintenance of industrial peace the industrial law in the modern sense denoted as "Industrial Revolution". The development of industrial revolution in the late 19th century brought tremendous changes in the modern world there was notable inventions, break through production methods, transportation navigation, development in shipping industry which leads two types of classes known as:
  • Enterprenur Class
  • Earning Class

And this leads to a frequent clashes and conflict of these classes in the society that paves way for many labour and welfare law began to spring up .
Even though it resulted industrial revolution , the employer was the dominating party . He dictate the terms of contract , wages and the working hours was only fixed by the employers will. Working conditions were at the mercy of the employer. It was a clear case of "take this or go out" there was no job security, the right to hire and fire was literally practiced in those days. There was no safety measure for workers and child labour well quite normal.

Finding the situation so explosive the parliament in England was constrained to evolve a number of legislations designed to curve the progress of the freedom of contract theory. The state behind to assume much responsibility in the well being of workers trade unionism finally recognised under law, the privileges and immunities in the trade union movement was statutorily enforced. This mark the beginning of collective bargaining as an effective means and weapon among the working class to give strength and thus equalize with that of employer which enables to reach them in settlement of industrial dispute.

Trade Union Movement In India:
Originally there was no organized trade unions they developed gradually by the growth of industrialization.

First Union Assocaition Formed:
Protest against low wages and cruel condition of employment gained momentum the first strike took place in Express mill at Nagpur 1877. And following this in 1890 for the first time and association of Mill workers was formed in the name of "Bombay mill and association" and this association was formed for the redressel of grievances of the Bombay mill workers. This association brought to light the Indian workers miserable condition with economic workload, working hours miserable wages was to working conditions.
After 1900 the postal union in Bombay and the Printers union in Calcutta emerged out and insist a steady pressure to improve working conditions of a labour.

After First World War:
After the First World War the cost of living and the production began to increase. But the wages and the working conditions remained unchanges. The industrial unrest and economic discontent lead to the number of strikes by the workers, guided and controlled by their Action committees which consist of representatives of Workers with themselves. The trade union Movement in India got impetus by the success of strikes in India and the world wide uprising of labour consciousness.

In 1920:
After Independence in India the democracy also evolved in the workmen in industry. In 1920 the High court of Madras in suit filed against the officials of the Madras Textile Labour Union by Binny &Co granted an injuction restraining the union officials to induce certain workers to break their contracts of employment by refusing to retrun to work
After that it was realized some essential needs for some legislative protection of trade union activities.Mr.M.N.Joshi the General Secretary of All India Trade Congress, successfully moved the resolution in the central Legislative Assembly seeking introduction of some measure by the Government for protection of trade unions.

The employers were so much opposed to any such legislative measure bring adopted that the passing of Indian trade union Act only in 1926. But the Act was only enforced on 1927.And the original Act of 1926 was amended in 1929 to provide for the procedure of Appeal could be preferred against any such decision of the registrar.

Trade Union{ Ammendment} Act 1947:
The Royal Commission on labour pleaded for recogonition of Representation of Trade Union. After many discussion takes place in the various Labour Ministers Conference and Standing committies the Act was amended in 1947 providing for compulsory recognition by employers of representatives Trade Unions.

Trade Union Bill 1950:
The Amending Act of 1947 did not provide the regulations for the inspection of books of trade union by the register of Trade Union.The chief labour commissioner in central suggested that the records and accounts books of the trade union by the register was necessary for the development of trade unions on healthy lines so this matter was discussed in 11th session of the standing labour committee in January 1949 on the basis of this discussion are traditional seeking to make some new provision was introduced in parliament in February 1950 but the bill left with the resolution of parliament.

The Trade Union Amendment at 1960 made some changes in section 2(f),3,4,6,14,16 and 28 of the Act. By the Indian trade union amendment act of 1964 the word Indian has been deleted from the act.

The Definition Of Trade Union:
The Trade Union Act, 1926 section 2 (h) define about the trade union thus, the trade union which can be analyzed into the following ingredients:
Any combination whether temporary or permanent the combination should have been formed for the purposes of regulating
  • the relation between workman and employers or
  • workman and workman or
  • employers and employers or
  • imposing restrictive conditions on the conduct of any trade or business but this act shall not affect,
  • any agreement between partners as to their businesses or
  • any agreement between an employer and those employed by him as to such employment
  • any agreement in consideration of sale of the Goodwill of business or instruction in any profession trade or handicraft.

In simple words the trade union is an organization or association made up of the employees for a betterment of their lives in all aspects and to maintain a smooth relationship with the employers.

Registration Of Trade Unions:
The Trade Union Act, 1926 section 3 to section 13 deals with the Registration of Trade Unions.
  1. Appointment of registers [ SEC :3]
    • The appropriate government shall appoint a person to be the register of trade union for each state.
    • The appropriate government can also authority to appoint a additional or deputy registers of trade union.
    • They should work under the direction of the Registrar.And may an order of the Appropriate government they shall exercise and discharge such powers and functions of the Registrar.
    • Additional or deputy registrar those who appointed and discharge the powers and functions of a Registrar in an area within which the registered office of a Trade Union is situated he deemed to be Register under this Act.
  2. Mode of Registration:-[SEC:4]
    • Trade union may be Registered, unregistered or a Recognised Trade union, the only difference is registerd and recognised members can enjoy the benefits of trade union and the unregistered members don't.
    • 7 or more members of a Trade Union may apply for registration and they subscribe their names and should comply with the rules and provisions of the Act relating to the Trade Union.
    • It is provided that no Trade Union of workmen shall be registered unless atleast 10 % or 100 of the workmen, should engage or employed in the establishment or industry on the date of making of application of registration.
    • If more than half of the members whose who applied for the registration of trade union want to cease or dissociate themselves from the application by giving notice in writing to the Registrar before the registration is granted to the Trade Union the application shall be deemed to have become ivalid. If half or less than half of the members cease or dissociate themselves from the application , the application of registration shall be valid.
  3. Application of Registration:- [SEC: 5]
    According to this provision the Act a Trade Union may become a registered Union in the following manner:
    • Firstly application should be sent to the Registrar with 7 or more members and they also subscribe their names to the rules of Trade Union.
    • The application should accompained with a copy of rules of the Trade union and a Statement of the following particulars.
    • The names, occupation, and address of the members.
    • The name of the Trade Union and the address of its head office and
    • The titles, names ,age, addresses and occupation of the office bearers of the trade union.
    • A general statements of assets and liabilities of the Trade union prepared in the prescribed form and containing such particulars as maybe requires should be sent with the application to the Registrar where a Trade union has been in existence for more than one year before making.
  4. Provisions to be contained in the rules of Trade Union:-[SEC:6]
    • Every registered Trade Union is required to have written rules dealing with certain matters specified in schedule II of the Cental Trade Union Regulations, 1938.
    • The Exective of the Trade .Union is constituted in accordance with the provisions of this Act.
    • The rules of Trade Union provide for the following matters, namely;
      • The name of the trade unions,
      • The whole of the objects for which the trade union has been established,
      • The lawful purpose for which the general fund of trade union is to be used,
      • The maintenance of a list of the members of trade union and adequate facilities for the office barriers and the members of trade union.
      • The admission of ordinary members who shall be persons actually engaged or employed in an industry with which the trade union is connected and also the admission of the number of honorary or temporary members as office barriers required under section 22 to form the executive of the trade union.
      • The payment of minimum subscription by members of the trade union which will not be less than 1 rupee per annum for rural workers, 3 rupees per annum for workers in other unorganised sector and 12 rupees per annum for workers in any other case.
      • If any members shall be entitled to benefit they should follow the rules and under which any fine or forfeiture may be imposed on the members under such conditions.
      • The manner in which the rule shall be amended varied or rescinded.
      • In which the members of the executive and the other office bearers of the trade union shall be elected and removed and the duration of period is not more than 3 years.
      • The safe custody of the funds of trade union and annual audit in such manner maybe prescribe of the accounts that of an adequate facilities for the inspection of the account books by the office bearers and members of the trade union.
  5. Power to call for further particulars and to require alteration of name:- [SEC:7]
    • Registration of a Trade union will be refused by the registrar if the name under which a Trade union is proposed to be a registered identical with that of any existing Trade union or there is any resemblance of such names.
    • In such case register may required the person applying for such registration to change the name of the trade union and it shall be registered only after such alteration registered and he can also ask further information which he thinks necessary for the purpose of satisfying himself the application complies with the provision of section 5 and 6 of the Act.
  6. Registration:-[SEC:8]
    • The register will registered the trade union if he satisfied that the trade union has compiled with all the requirements of the Act.
    • The Registrar register the trade union by making necessary entries in the register, to be maintained in such form as maybe prescribed. The particulars relating to the trade union contained in the statement accompanying the application for registration shall be entered in the Registar.
    • The workmen of the Industrial establishment can form as many unions as they wish and it is not essential to give notice to the existing unions.
  7. Certificate of Registration:-[SEC : 9]
    • The register on registering the trade union shall issue a certificate of registration in the prescribed form which shall be conclusive evidence that the trade union has been during register under this Act.
  8. Cancellation of Registration:-[SEC :10]
    • On the application of the trade union to be verified in the first prescribed manner.
    • The register is satisfied that the certificate of registration has been obtained by fraud or mistake.
    • Where the trade union has seeds to exist.
    • If the union has been fully and after notice from the register contravenet any provision of this act or allowed any rule to continue in force which is inconsistent with the provision of the Act .
    • If the register is satisfied that the registered trade union of workman ceases to have the requires it number of members.
    • If the original rules in the application form or rescinded.
    • The register on receiving an application from the union for withdrawal cancellation of registration must before granting the prayer satisfy him self but the withdrawal cancellation of registration was approved by the general meeting of the trade union.
    • Except when registration is withdrawn on the applicability by the union itself, the Registrar should give notice to the trade union for not less than 2 months on what ground it is proposed to withdraw or cancel the certificate of registration.
  9. Appeal:-[SEC:11]
    • An limited right of appeal from the decision of the registered is granted any person aggreived by the refusal of the Registrar to register the trade union or by the withdrawal or cancellation of a certificate of registration has the right of appeal the appeal should be preferred within the prescribed period the Appeal must be started with in 60 days of the date on which the register passed the order against.
    • Which appeal is made and that appeal can be made in the head office of the trade union is situated within the limits of that High court or where the head office is situated in an area falling within the jurisdiction of a labour court or an industrial tribunal or where the head office is situated in any other area to such court not inferior to the court of an additional or assistant judge of a principal civil court of original jurisdiction as appropriate government in this behalf for that area.
  10. Registered office:-[SEC:12]
    • All communications and notices to a registered trade union may be addressed to its registered office if there is any change in the address of the head office of the trade union shall be given within 14 days of such changed to the register in writing the change in address It will be recorded in register referred to in section 8 of the Act.
  11. Incorporation of Registered Trade Union:-[SEC:13]
    • After the registration of trade union it is entitle for the advantages. Which means it becomes a body corporate by the name under which it is registered
    • It get purposal succession and common seal.
    • It can acquire and hold both movable and removable Property .
    • It can contract through agents.
    • It can sue and be sued in its registered name.

Rights And Liabilities Of A Trade Union:
  • Right to form union it's a fundamental right.
  • Article 19 (1) (c) off the constitution guarantees the right to trade union. However it is not available to all categorises of job for instance government servants cannot form trade unions under the trade union act. In Tamilnadu NGO union vs .Register of trade union it was held by the Madras High court that civil servants or engaged in the task of sovereign and regal respect of the Government and such they cannot be included
    with the definition of the workman in an industry contemplated in section 2(s) and section 2 (j) of the Industrial Dispute Act.

Finance of trade unions general fund:-[SEC:15]
Finance is an all important pre requisite for effective functioning of trade union . The right to collect and conserve the fund is recogonized to register trade union by the Trade union actor there are two kinds of funds namely general fund and political fund or contemplated in the Act.

General fund:
  • General fund shall be utilised only for the purpose stipulated in section 15 they are,
  • For the payment of salaries allowances and expenses to the office bearers of the trade union.
  • For the payment of expenses of the administration of the trade union including audit of accounts.
  • For the prosecution or defence of any legal proceeding to which the trade union or any member of it is a party when such prosecution or defence is undertaken for the purpose of securing the rights of the trade union.
  • For the conduct of trade disputes of the trade union or any member there of.
  • Forgiving compensation to members for loss arising out of trade dispute.
  • For giving allowance to the members or their depentens on account of death old age sickness accident or unemployment of such members.
  • For any issue are the undertaking of liability under policy of assurance on the lives of members against sickness accident or unemployment.
  • And also for providing education social religious benefits to the members or their dependence.
  • To the up keep of periodical published for the purposes of discussing questions affecting employers or workman.
  • The payment in furtherence of any of the objects of which the general fund of the trade union maybe spent and to other objects notified by the appropriate government in the official gazette.

Political funds:-[SEC :15]
Trade union may constitute a separate political fund under section 6(1) from the contribution separately levied for or made to that fund from which payments may be made for the promotion of civic and political interest of its members in for the furtherance of any object mentioned in subsection (2). The objects referred to are:

  • Payments of any expenses in cured either directly or indirectly by a candidate or prospective candidate for election as a member of any legislative body or any local authority during or after the election in connection with his candidature or election.
  • For holding meetings or the distribution of any literature in support of such candidate.
  • For the maintenance of any person who is the member of the legislative body or local authority.
  • For registration of electors or for the selection of a candidate for the legislative body or local body.
  • For holding of political meetings or for distributing political literature of any kind.

Immunity from criminal liability:-[SEC:17]
  • Under section 17 of the trade union at 1926 no office bearer or member of the registered trade union shall be liable to punishment under subsection 2 of section 120 B of the Indian penal Code, in respect of any agreement made between the members for the purpose of furthering any such object of the trade union specified in section 15 unless the agreement is an agreement to commit and offense.
  • Hence, agreement between members of your register trade union to promote any of those object will not be attracted by the offense of criminal conspiracy under section 120B of Indian Penal code, and they cannot be prosecuted for the same.
  • But in certain cases if two or more members of a registered trade union agree to persuade the workers to commit assault or such another offenses on the management they will not be protected by section 17 because the agreement here is want to commit and offense and not to promote the benefits of the workers section 17 does not give protection against an agreement to commit and offense and it is expressly excluded from the for purview of section 17.

Immunity from civil suit in certain cases:-[SEC:18]
  • Section 18 0f the Trade union act deals with the immunity from civil proceedings afforded toward registered trade union and to its members or office bears
  • A person is liable in thoughts for delivery bringing about a breach of contract of employment between the employer and the employee but a registered trade union its number or office or protector from being suit for inducing a person to break his contract of employment or for interfering with trade business or employment of some other person provided such inducement is in contemplation or furtherance of the trade dispute.
  • Section 18 (1)of that provides that no suit or other legal proceeding Shall be maintainable in any civil court against any register trade union or any office bearer or member of in respect of any act done in contemplation or furtherance of get trade dispute.
  • Section 8 (2) of the act provides that a trade register trade union shall not be liable in any suit or other legal proceeding in any so we will coat in respect of any tortillas at done in contemplation or furtherance of your trade dispute by and agent of the trade union.

Enforceability of agreement:-[SEC:19]
The provision of section 19 of the Trade Union Act, 1926 according to the section and agreement between the members of your registered trade union in restraint of trade shall be void or voidable it means agreements made between the members of a registered trade union not to accept employment unless certain conditions as to pay workers etc or full filled will not be void or voidable.

6. Right to inspect books of trade union:-[SEC:20]
  • Section 20 of that provides that account book of your registered trade union and the list of members of the trade union shall be opened to inspection by an officer or member of the trade union and such times as maybe provide for in the rules of the trade union.
  • it is not necessary that office bearer or any member of the trade union should personally inspect the accounts instead he can appoint an agent for the purpose who shall communicate the results of the inspection only to his principal and to know one else.
7.Right of minors to membership of trade union:-[SEC:21]
  • Any person who has attend the age of 15 years maybe a member of a registered trade union any such member subject to the rules of trade union shall enjoy all the rights of your member and execute all instruments and give and acquaintances and tense necessary to be executor or given under the rules.
8. Disqualification of office bearers of trade union:-[SEC:21-A]
  • A person shall be disqualified for being choose as and for being a member of executive or any other office bearer of a Trade union if he has not attend the age of 18 years and he has been convicted by a court in India of any often involving moral turpitude and sentence to imprisonment, unless the period of 5 years has lapsed since his release.

9.Proportion of office bearers to be connected with the industry:-[SEC:22]
  • Not less than one half of the total number of the office bearers of every registered trade union in an unorganised sector shall be persons actually engaged or employed in an industry with which the trade union is connected.
  • Provided that the appropriate government made by special or general order declared that the provisions of the section shall not apply to any Trade union are class of trade union specified in the order.

Appointment and removal of executive and office bearers of the union
  • The manner in which the members of the executive and other office bearers of the union shall be appointed and removed or provided in the rules of a Trade union framed in accordance with the Act
  • Although a Trade union has the right to remove any of its office bearer but the power of removal must be exercised by the union judiciary and the rules of natural justice must be followed the following or some rules and they are;
  • The officials out to be removed must be supplied with sufficient grounds and reason for his removal so that he may defend himself.
  • He must also be given the opportunity of appearing and defending himself against the charges.
  • The decision of removal arrived at by the union must be in good faith and after a fair hearing of the case.

10.Change of name:-[SEC:23]
  • Section 7 (2) of the Act provides that no Trade union shall be registered under the name identical with the name of the other existing Trade union.
  • Section 23 of that provide that any registered trade union may with the consent of not less than two third of the total member of its members and subject to the provision of section 25 of the act change its name.

11.Amalgamation of trade union:-[SEC:24]
  • The method for amalgamation of two or more trade union its provided under the section 24 of the act any two or more register Trade union when we came amalgamated together as one Trade union with or without dissolution or division of funds of such Trade union but two support any amalgamation the vote of at least one half of the members of each and every such Trade union and entitle to vote must be recorded and also that at least 60% of the votes recorded must be in favour of the proposal of amalgamation.

12. Notice of change of name or amalgamation:-[SEC:25]
  • This section of that requires the notice in writing of every change of name signed by the secretary and 7 members of the trade union changing its name shall be sent to the register it should be further be stated in the notice where the consent of the members was obtained.
  • On the recipt of a notice for change of the name, the Registrar must satisfy himself at the provision of the Act in respect of change of name are complied with. After that the Registrar satisfied that the provision of this act in respect of the change of name have been compiled with register the change of name in the register referred into section 8 then change of name shall have affect from the date of such registration.
13. Dissolution:-[SEC:27]
  • Section 27 of the act provides when a registered trade union is dissolved notice of the dissolution signed by 7 members and by the secretary of the trade union within 14 days of the dissolution be sent to the Registrar. If the registrar is satisfied at the dissolution has been effected in accordance with the rules of the trade union the notice shall then be registered. The dissolution of register Trade union shall have affect after registration of the notice.

  • A general statement auditor in the prescribed manner of all receipt and expenditure of every registered trade union, during the year ending on 31st day of December shall be annually sent to the registrar on or before a prescribed date.
  • existing on 31st of December shall also be sent annually on the prescribed date to the Registrar. The statement shall be prepared in such form and shall comprise such particulars as maybe prescribed.

Current Issues:
The second National Commisision on Labour report of 2002 gave the following suggestions for the development of trade union.
  • The trade union movement in India has now come to be characterized by number of unions, partitions and politicizations shows its desires to stay away from politically oriented central federation of trade unions and struggles for cooperation and joint action.
  • There was an increase in the number of registered unions in the years from 1983-1994 and gradually we can see a reduction in the average membership per union and in the number of unions submitting returns.
  • There are other unions that have founded into bodies relating to certain industries or employment but they were kept them out from the main trade union federations like, National Alliance Of Construction Workers, National Fish Workers Federation, National Alliance Of Street Vendors and so on.
  • We must also make specific mention of the emergence of the trade union.
  • Still now there was a ad hoc struggle in development of Trade union .
  • Another few feature is the readiness and the determination of central trade unions to escalate the objective to matters of government policy like disinvestment, privatization and so on.
  • There are trade union leaders who ask for abolition of contract labour but ultimately relent if the contract assignment is give to them or their benami agents. This makes a mockery of the trade union movement and brings down the trade union leaders in the esteem of employees.
  • Another practice that undermines respect is that of permitting permanent workers to get their jobs done through proxy workers or letting others work in their place and taking a cut from the wages of their proxies.
  • There is also a tendency to convert unions into closed shops.

Case Laws Related To Trade Union:
  1. In the case law, of Uttar Pradesh Rajya Setu Nigam Sanyukt Karmachari Vs. Uttar Pradesh State Bridge Corporation ,states that even an unregistered trade union can expose the dispute of an individual workmen.
  2.  In Hindustan Lever Ltd Vs. Hidustan Lever Employees Union , states that a trade union cannot function all at the cost of the employer not at his mercy and also not at the cost of production.
  3. In Chackola Spinning And Wearing Mills Vs. Chackola T.M.T Union , states that Labour court and Tribunal can also adjudicate the dispute about the recoginition of a union.
  4. In Coimbatore Periyar District Dravida,Panjalal Thozhilalar Munneytra Sangam Vs. National Textile Corporation Limited states, that Article 19(1)(c) of the Indian Constitution guarentees that all the citizen shall have a right to form associations or unions. This right includes not only the right to form trade unions but also the right to continue as a members of the trade unions.
  5. In Tamilnadu Government Press Workers Sangam, Madras Vss. First Trade Union Additional Registrar Of Madras states, that before taking action under section 10 of the Trade Union Act for cancellation of a trade union the aggrieved party must be served notice not less than 2 months previous notice in writing and also state the grounds of cancellation / withdrawl of the certificate of registration of trade union and such when no opportunity by way of notice prior to the order of cancellation is given in the impunged order of cancelation cannot be sustained.
Penalties And Procedure:
  • Failure to submit return:-SEC :31
  • Incase of failure to submit returns or statements required under section 28 every office bearer , other persons bound by the rules of the trade union to give or send the same or if there is no such office bearer or person, every member of the executive of the trade union shall be punishable with the fine not exceed in of Rs.5 But if the contravention is continues after conviction, a further fine not exceeding Rs.5 for each week during which the default was made shall be imposed .However the aggregate fine shall not exceed Rs. 50.
  • And also the Act provides more deterrent punishment with a fine of Rs.500 upon persons wilfully making or causing to be made any false entry in or any omission from the general statement required by section 28 or in or form any copy of rules or of alterations of rules or document sent to the registrar under that section.

Penalties For Supplying False Information Regarding Trade Union: Sec :32
  • Apart from the penalty if a person with intent to deceive or with like intent gives,
  • To any member of a registered trade union or,
  • To any prospective member of such union, any document purporting to be a copy of rules of a trade union or and alteration of such rules which he knows or has reason to believe that it is not a correct copy or,
  • Gives a copy of any rules of any unregistered trade union to any person on the pretence that such rules of a registered trade union shall be punishable with a fine which may extend to Rs.200.

Cognizance Of The Offence: Sec  33
  • Only a presidency magistrate or magistrate of the first class can try any offence mentioned in section 31 and 32 of the Act
  • Similarly no court shall take cognizance of any offence unless,
  • A complaint has been made by the Registrar or
  • With his previous sanction by any person or
  • In the case of any offence under section 33 by the person to whom such copy has been given
  • The complaint is made within six months of the sdate on which the offence is alleged to have been committed.

As per the Labour philosophy "UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL" the unity of Trade union solves many disputes of labours at the same time trade union need more developments and should update their regulations to the trending world. There are other sufferings that prevail with the working of trade unions, like a lack of financial resources and leadership, which prohibit the proper allocation of resources and involvement in policy making.

Despite such limitations, a more efficient labour union is required so as to protect the interests of workers in case of any arbitrary action from the employers that hire them. In the modern days, there is a need in the updation of labour legislations. Because of technologies, our Government need to initiate more legislations regarding the rules and restrictions for forming of trade unions in IT sectors and labour laws relating to Techno employees.

  1. Labour And Industrial Laws - S.N.Misra
  2. Industrial Relations And Labour Laws S C Srivastava
  3. Labour And Industrial Laws -K.M.Pillai
  4. The Trade Union Act , 1926 - S.K.Puri.
  1. Uttar Pradesh Rajya Setu Nigam Sanyukt Karmachari Vs. Uttar Pradesh State Bridge Corporation ,Lucknow 2000 LLR 151(AH HC).
  2. Hindustan Lever Ltd Vs. Hidustan Lever Employees Union(2001) 88 FLR 943 (2000) LLJ 783 : (2000) I LLJ 86 : 2000 LLR 477 (BOMBAY HC)
  3. Chackola Spinning And Wearing Mills Vs. Chackola T.M.T Union (2002) 1klt 878: (2002) Ii
  4. Coimbatore Periyar District Dravida,Panjalal Thozhilalar Munneytra Sangam Vs. National Textile Corporation Limited 2011 Llr 1076 (Hc Madras).
  5. Tamilnadu Government Press Workers Sangam, Madras Vss. First Trade Union Additional Registrar Of Madras, 2004 Llr 9: 2003 (99) Flr 734 (Madras Hc).
Written By: Sandiya Selvaraj, LLM scholar in Labour and Administrative Law, GLC Tiruchirappalli.

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