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Social transformation of Women: Through the lens of Covid-19

According to Karl Marx social transformation means transformation of the society. Therefore, it indicates the social change arising in the society due to changing circumstances. According to him only single factors are responsible for causing the social change and thus the economic factor was the deciding factor for causing change in the society.

These changes happen due to continuous class struggle and as a response it is a continuous social change. The struggle takes place between various classes of the society. Women through changing eras have been considered a vulnerable sector of society.

The word women are considered related to the term domestic. Time being the duties of the women have been seen revolving around domestic chores and thus consisted of responsibilities such as child rearing, taking care of the family and the household. Hohfeld's analysis of rights states that when an individual has the duty to do a certain work then the right is correlative to the duty and vice versa.

Likewise, the women had the duty to do domestic chores yet had no right to economy/incentive. The society of India is patriarchal in ideology and as a consequence the women's rights and liberties in the society were restricted. However, with the changing times the women started striking against the same and have achieved rights in the society to some extent.

In covid time the distribution of duties of men and women started to disappear and the word, 'domestic' was not only related to women. However, on the other hand the Covid also led to confinement of women and men into their household for a longer period of time hence leading to an increase in cases of crimes against women and cases of domestic violence. Thus, leading to the risk of security of the women even in closed places.

A reassessment of higher education is necessary in light of the significant disruption developed by COVID-19. A crucial side contention that is transforming the educational landscape is distance learning. The lockdowns accentuated issues that women face in higher education.

The paper focuses on the impact of the covid 19 era on the women and their status in the society pre and post covid era. The analysis of the crime rates against the women in domestic places and their oscillating financial position due to the impact of covid.

Transformation of "Domesticity"

The term domestic means 'belonging to home' this term is conventionally and traditionally is attributed to the gender women. The women are respected and her is character valued by taking into consideration her ability to perform the household chores and the time attributed into the domestic life. The roles of women and men have been different since ancient times. The women are held responsible for the domestic role and the men are considered responsible for satisfying the financial roles of the household.

The world has been patriarchal since an ancient period. Women have been discriminated against right from the time they have been born. The notion of the patriarchal society is that the women are a burden upon the household and the sons are the heirs of the family. the women since time immemorial have been considered vulnerable and not competent enough with the men however with the changing time the women competed with the men on various aspects and the struggle for the women have been arduous to change the notion that the women are capable and their role is not to be restricted on to the domestic duties.

The right to equality is the fundamental right granted by the Indian constitution under article 14. various schemes have been implemented by the government to uplift the women in the society like Annapurna scheme, scheme for adolescent girls, Beti bachao beti padhao, mahila shakti Kendra etc. however the customary laws have been gendered biased as they have focused upon the giving the ritual rights and the right to inherit the ancestral property to man and not to woman. women in the Vedic period were considered to be goddesses who the men were supposed to be worshiped.

The women had the responsibility to look after the home and to take care of the members of the family, however with the times this role was looked upon and the position of the women deteriorated. The role that the women undertook was not economical in this aspect therefore the women were financially dependent and as a consequence did not hold a position of authority in the family. According to Hindu law the women were not capable to be the Karta or the coparcener in the family. Therefore, their position was ancillary.

According to Manu:
"Women are supposed to be in the custody of their father when they are children, they must be under the custody of their husband when married and under the custody of her son in old age or as widows. In no circumstances she should be allowed to assert herself independently". The women in the contemporary world tried to break the societal norms by becoming financially independent however various aspects including the society tried to bring the women down.

Various crimes were taken placed against the women and her modesty such as rape, sexual harassment at workplace, voyeurism, dowry death, female infanticide, domestic violence etc. Such laws in India have been made giving special rights to women, that is the laws are women centric keeping in mind the struggle the woman has faced for a longer period.

The men and women even if considered on same pedestrian yet the roles were not considered equal that is in the modern world the women stepped out of the four walls and earned economically, which the men as well did however the women were expected to take care of the domestic responsibilities as well such as looking after the parents, cooking, cleaning and as well s looking after her kids. The responsibilities of upbringing of the child are as well considered only to be the mother. Therefore, the roles of women have become two-fold in nature.

However, during the covid times the division of the chores were equally distributed between the men and the woman, and contributed to the upbringing of the child. During covid times, most the people lost their employment and the other half did their jobs from home, realizing the chores carried out by the women in the daily routine. Covid even if negatively impacted yet an attempt was made to dissolve the gender gaps.

During the covid many of the people were quarantined at their own homes, thus the burden to do the chores fell upon the spouse who was not quarantined and hence led to their participation as well as due to the loss of jobs and the absence of the house help. The only exercise or the movements allowed to be made was in the in the 4 walls of the house thus the participation of the chores was also looked upon as the exercise. According to data by the National commission on violence against women it was observed that the burden upon women has increased more than men. such burden was increased due to absence of the maid and increased household responsibility of every member due to being home completely. and the need for sanity.

Therefore the domesticity of the works which generally attributed to the woman was equally shared. The both the genders had time to contribute to each other as well a focus upon the development of the child, thus the covid brought the families closer. The concept of work from home was performed by the women for a long period as her work was related to the complete aspect of the home, however such a concept was new for men as they had to go to a different place for work, which was not the case for women.

The unpaid domestic work performed by the women is said to be voluntary work which is done out of love and duty to care, however such work at times is not due to voluntariness but due to the duty which is involuntarily attached with the gender. Therefore, the women's domestic work is attributed as "second shift." This term was coined by Hochschild who was a sociologist. In the modern world the women also earn economically by going to their jobs, which is the first shift, and when they return to their homes, they perform unpaid work, which is the second shift.

In a survey conducted, it was observed that around 35% of the men started contributing more in the household chores after the pandemic. According to OECD data, 2014 it was observed that women contribute 300 min/day and men spend 352 mins/day in domestic chores, however the participation of the men post covid was observed to be not the same. The reason for this is the normality which occurred post pandemic leading to continuing to routine life.

Therefore, the shift in the traditional attribute of domesticity was only limited to pandemic and therefore the same was due to lack of work during covid and the realization of gender neutrality and equal participation of man in the domestic duties. Therefore, the culture of domesticity being traditionally attributed women was put to a halt during the covid times however the reason for the same was not due to the comprehension of the necessity of the gender neutrality but due to the mere 'boredom' or by unwillingness due to which such shift of domesticity upon the men was observed during the covid pandemic.

Impact on pedagogy of education and the gender involvement in the education sector

Education and overall development of the children have been given greater importance with the evolution of the times. Right to Education is a Fundamental Right in Article 21A of the Constitution of India. With the emergence of the Covid 19 this has been ignored to a great extent, yet the government and educational institutions with the help of technology have tried to provide education to the children of various sectors. The platforms such as google meet, zoom calls have made the work easier as it made the children study in their comfort spaces by abiding to all the covid protocols and study by the use of various gadgets like phones, computers and tabs.

However, the provision for education through the four corners of the screen was also made for the marginalized sectors of the children who were not able to afford the expensive gadgets by providing them education with the tv which was assumed to have been there at everyone's household. However, even if the positive was wished for the children yet the virtual educational system had a negative impact upon the health of the children. As per the data of UNESCO, only around 70% of the students were affected due to the closure of educational institutions.

With the emergence of the covid, many structural changes were made in the educational systems which were traditional in nature for a very long period of time, which was need of the hour so as to ensure less dependency upon the hardcopies of the study materials, and thus moving towards the concept of sustainable development. However, the biggest issue during the covid times was the fees imposed, since the schools were closed yet the charges of various aspects of physically attending the school were taken from the students. Moreover, online in-person interactions with global partners require a person's time and space, while scientific writing demands seclusion, focus, and quietness.

It was more difficult for women academics working from home during the lockdown because of the bigger family living in the same location and the children's demands for time, attention, and space. During covid many of the people lost their employment thus facing the common issue of the financial crisis, yet to the private schools the same amount of the fees was to be paid. The shutdown of schools across the nation in India has impacted 320 million students enrolled in pre-kindergarten through postsecondary education, according to UNESCO. Approximately 158 million of these pupils are thought to be female.

Academic women with small children whose spouses do not evenly divide childcare and housekeeping duties found it difficult to work from home and teach online. Caregiving responsibilities have increased, and these women are struggling to manage their academic work.

The impact of education on the gender of women also suffered an indentation, that is the impact upon the education of the women was greater than that of male. The women during the covid times were forbidden from higher education due to various societal burdens such as child responsibility, conflicts in the house, household responsibility etc. it is much observed that the women are likely to drop from the education further than men due to the reason of responsibilities.

The responsibilities upon the women increased during the pandemic due to full time inhabitation of the family members, the duties included such as house cleaning, cooking, child rearing and homeschooling etc. The men are expected to participate in the household chores yet the conflicting interest restricted their participation, in turn leading to continuation of traditional aspects of duties between men and women. even the primary education was denied to the younger girls for the reason of financial problems as many households had children of combination of genders, therefore the male child was seen to be given the upper hand for the education as the belief that the women are the burden upon the family and the ultimate goal of the woman's life is considered to be marriage and child rearing which requires no educational qualification. UNESCO in its report stated that around 1.6 billion of the women's education was affected due to the covid.

The women have been deprived of their fundamental rights for a very long time and even during the covid period the women were more vulnerable due to the intersectionality between the gender and due to either belonging to backward caste or belonging to the marginalized sectors. The government has tried time and again through various schemes to promote the education of the women, the various schemes are thus DIKSHA, through which the government tried to provide a virtual platform for the students.

The other such opportunity provided was E-PM Vidya which aims at ensuring access to education etc. Accordingly, the Girl's dropout rate in secondary education was 17.1% in 2018, 18% in 2019, 14.6% in 2020 and 12.61% in 20218. 9There was seen to be an increased gender gap in the education involvement due to the reason of social isolation and psychological stress. the quarantine in some corners of the homes brough the family together however the students were shut down in the closed spaces and had to witness the domestic violence and family distress occurring therefore disrupting their mental sanity and safe space which is quintessential for learning. during covid, since many people lost jobs, therefore the means to earn in a household was lost in turn affecting every aspect, such as the females were expected to earn or help in the domestic household as their participation in education would lead to increase money expenditure and the notion of women being as the burden made gender gap in the education.

India's goal is to achieve, improve the education and to offer the education to every sector of the country by making it affordable and ensuring the quality as the UNs Sustainable Goal. Along with this India aims to bridge the gender gap in the education sector therefore aiming to achieve Art. 14 of the Indian Constitutions. If the gender gap is not bridged then it will have the consequences such as early marriages and women being dependent upon the other gender economically the depreciating their role in society day by day.

Increase household crimes:
Domestic violence is not a gendered neutral provision in India, it is mentioned under section 498 A and the Domestic Violence Act,2005. Section 498A is further applicable only to married women, therefore the ambit of the live- in relationship is excluded. It stipulates that a woman's spouse or his family members may face up to three years in prison and a fine if they harass her or commit any other cruel conduct against her.

DV Act precludes many forms of sexual, mental, physical, and financial abuse of women, all of which are fully detailed in the Act. Women who are live in relationships are also covered by the Act. A woman is entitled to be free from abuse under this Act and has a variety of options. In addition to reporting her abusers, she has the right to obtain a restraining order against her husband and his family, to live in the same home, to be provided assistance, to retain custody of her children, to seek compensation, and to avert being removed from her marital dwelling.

No traditions or the cultures of India supports the violence against the women, during the ancient times the women were considered the goddess of the home and thus were looked upon as a respectful individual. however, due to their vulnerability they have been targeted by the man of the house and being tortured. therefore, with the changing times as the position of the women in the society started deteriorating the crimes against the women started increasing. The history of the emergence of domestic violence can be due to the crimes prevalent against the women such as sati pratha, dowry deaths etc. the domestic violence can not only of the physical acts but also verbal acts, financial act, psychological, emotional abuse against the women.

The impacts of the domestic violence are heinous in nature as it consists of loss of confidence, lack of sleep, loss of sleep, PTSD, anxiety etc. The type of domestic violence:
  1. Physical violence- in this type of abuse the physical force is inflicted upon the is done through inflicting bodily pain.
  2. Verbal violence- when a person is abused verbally through words, such as accusations, threatening, abusing etc.
  3. Sexual violence - when sexually one person in the relations abuses the other that is indulges into the sexual acts without the consent is called sexual abuse.

Due to the widespread access of the coronavirus during the covid 19 most of the countries were under lockdown. All the citizens even in India were requested to stay indoors and to follow the covid protocols. The reason for the same was to stop the contagious spread of the disease. but the lockdown even decreased the commission of the offenses which were generally caused in the public spaces yet the offenses which took indoors were increasing day by day. The indoor offense means nothing but domestic violence caused by his husband to his spouse. The UN Women termed the circumstances as, "shadow pandemic"

According to the data provided by the National Commission for Women's (NCW), the rate of the domestic violence which was registered in the year 2019-2020 that is before covid was 3963 and the domestic violence cases registered during the covid era that is in the year 2020 2021 were 6049. According to the survey there was direct link found between economic strain and between the increase domestic violence. Around 12.2 crore of people lost their employment during the lockdown. Therefore, this led to the decrease in the income, according to the data by Centre for monitoring Indian economy (CMIE) that around 97% of the income decrease was observed in the Indian household by the end of My 2021.

The cybercrimes against women which were committed against women in the year 2019-2020 were 458 and the cybercrime registered during the period was 797. This indicates that the crimes against women which occurred during the period almost doubled. Even if the public spaces were protected yet the domestic spaces were not safe enough for the women. The women were therefore confined and were made to face the violence, as many women would have even opted to not raise their voices against such violence as they might not have a substitute place of residence and financial resources to support their livelihood in the times of crisis.

Around 92,000 calls were received by the ChildLine helpline in 11 days of the lockdown for the protection of the women against the violence. The reasons for the violence were the lack of jobs and the mental stress caused due to it. The other factors were also the drinking at the closed places due to quarantine or due to lack of alcohol as the shops were closed. many of the women also faced sexual harassment towards them and abuse, however since marital rape is not recognized in India therefore no legal course of action was available to the women's. since many of the women's lost their jobs in the covid period as a reason being dependent upon the spouse for the financial requirements leading to having subordinate position in the household and facing various violence. Therefore, due to increased stress and confinement in the closed place, the conflicts quite escalated thus resulting in domestic violence.

The quarantine event was made for prevention and precautionary purpose yet had negative impact upon the women in the society. The prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among women who have experienced domestic abuse varies from 30% to 81%, a much higher proportion than that of the overall female population.

The PIL was filed before the Delhi High Court regarding the spreading of awareness of the crimes taking place against the women and the availability of the legal course such as the numbers and of various NGOS and Govt representatives so as to register the cases against the offenses being committed. The PIL also demanded to exempt the victims when they step outside their doors so as to file a complaint and the appointment of the nodal officers to attend the calls related to the domestic violence. therefore, during the covid times the duty of the police officers was crucial and two-fold as they had to ensure that the lockdown guidelines are being observed as well as ensure security of the citizens against the offences occurring.

The PIL also demanded for temporary shelters and police protection for the rape victims or domestic violence victims which was the crucial issue during the covid times as most of the victims had no place to reside if any domestic violence or rape occurs to them. The court thus upon the suggestions asked the respondents to take actions which have not been taken so as to ensure the protection of the women.

Therefore, the government failed to ensure the protection of the women during the pandemic. Even if there was an option for virtual couple counselling however the unemployment resulted in the non-affordability of such alternatives. The NGOs and the other social work services failed to provide help due to the circumstances so aroused due to the pandemic. Therefore, there can be seen impact upon the birth, death and the marriage during the covid and due to pandemic. According to the survey there has been at least 20% increase in filing of divorce cases and separation.

Way Forward:
The women are considered to be the root of any household who has to restrict and sacrifices her movement and freedom in order to let her family grow, therefore she is expected to take care of the wellbeing of the individuals by performing the domestic chores, feeding them as well as being an indispensable part in the life of her children by teaching them values and morale, however such contribution cant be measured in monetary value and therefore often leaves the women in economically contingent on men. The COVID-19 pandemic presents a probability of reflect on the future and make modifications that are permanent. Homes cannot be converted become places where women are mistreated.

The safeguarding of women ought to be avoided violated upon in ostensibly "private" areas, further demeaning them and depriving them of their identity. Preventing gender bias and patriarchal hegemony at home and in public places is vital for generating a better society. To ensure homes remain to be "safe spaces" for everyone, steps must be made to end abuse. Addressing patriarchy and all additional kinds of injustice and prejudice is vital for establishing a better world.

The participation of women in education can be increased only by spreading awareness, by making schemes and provisions for cash, incentives and scholarships so as to lessen the burden of the educational fees and thus in turn increasing their participation in education.

The cost of the education of the girls should be reduced as well so as to support the girls as well as bridge the gender gap in the education sector. More provisions or schemes can be made like providing the technology such as laptops and tablets for educational purposes so as to ensure their participation virtually if the girls are unable to physically join the schools. Follow up on females leaving school can also be done by administrative officials and school principals.

Additionally, those who are susceptible should be reached out to and kept in perpetually communication. Therefore, the gender neutrality has been as far-fetched dream which is incorporated within the culture and the thoughts of an persons and thus with awareness it should be eliminated and in correspondence various effective scheme and legislation should be incorporated to uplift then women.

Award Winning Article Is Written By: Ms.Sana Parab
Certificate Of Excellence - Legal Service India
Authentication No: DE434565284249-10-1224

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