An Overview About WAQF And Controversy About Its Proposed Amendment


WAQF is an Islamic practice where a person donates an asset, such as cash or property to Allah for a specific charitable purpose, like education, health or worship. Once donated, the asset belo...

Intention of the Testator:: Key Legal Principles and Landmark Judgments on Wi...


Intention of the Testator: In construing a will, the intention of the testator is to be given effect as far as practicable. Therefore, if the court finds that the entire intention of the testat...

Valid Adoption can't be cancelled: Legal Framework and Implications of Adopti...


A valid adoption cannot be cancelled. Adoption is not a matter of contract but a matter of status. Once an adoption is validly made, it cannot be cancelled by any of the parties involved. The e...

Genuiness Of A Will


Where a will, alleged to have been executed by the propounder's sister, was duly attested by witnesses, and no objection affidavit was filed by one of the contesting brothers-who also admitted ...

What is Medical Law


A Secretary of State for Health once said, "The only place for a lawyer in the NHS [National Health Service] is on the operating table." This is wishful thinking. If medicine were pra...

How Technology is Revolutionizing Medical Law: Insights into Patient Rights a...


Medical law is undergoing transformation. Rapid scientific advances mean that lawyers and ethicists are constantly confronted with new issues. More significantly, our attitude towards our healt...

The First Statute for Live-in Relationship in India


The Uttarakhand Government recently made history by passing a Uniform Civil Code Bill in the State Assembly on the 6th of February. This groundbreaking bill includes provisions for recognizing ...

Mohammedan Law Of Evidence And The Codification Of The Indian Evidence Act


The complex legal system in India is shaped by the law, culture and the great colonial history, particularly in the domain of evidence law. Central to this is the Mohammedan Law of Evidence and...

Intergenerational Connections Between Personal Laws


The deliberate gathering of several generations for continuing, mutually beneficial activities like volunteerism and mentoring is known as intergenerational connections. It can also be elaborat...

Analyzing The Ramifications Of The Removal Of Waqf By User In The Waqf (Amend...


The Waqf (Amendment) Bill, 2024 purportedly proposes to eliminate the acknowledgment of 'waqf by user' in order to streamline the legal framework and guarantee that all waqf properties are offi...