Lawless Provision Sec 106(1) Of The Bhartiya Nyaya Sanhita: An Artificial Int...


Q. What is a lawless law? What ingredients of a law render it lawless? A "lawless law" is a term used to describe a law that, despite being enacted, fails to uphold the principles of j...

Role of Autopsy Surgeons in Determining Firearm Types in Fatal Shootings: Ins...


This paper investigates the essential role that forensic pathologist, commonly known as autopsy surgeon, plays in identifying the type of firearm involved in fatal shooting incidents. Although ...

Lawless Application Of Medical Negligence Laws: Jinxed Jurisprudence


"There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so m...

Addressing the Mental Health Crisis Among the New Generation: Causes and Solu...


The Mental Health Crisis Among the New Generation: Causes and Solutions In recent years, depression and anxiety have become prevalent issues among the younger generation. The World Health O...

The Salient Features of the Indian Medical Council Act: A Legal Analysis


The Indian Medical Council Act, originally enacted in 1956, stands as a foundational statute governing medical education and the regulation of medical professionals in India. This Act's overarc...

Combating Human Organ Trafficking and Transplantation in India


"Eventually, red markets have the nasty social side effect of moving flesh upward, never downward through social classes. Even without a criminal element, unrestricted free markets act like vam...

Key Qualities, Manipulations, Negligence and Ethical Challenges in Postmortem...


The credibility of forensic investigations and the legal system as a whole are seriously threatened by manipulation, negligence, and unethical behaviour during postmortem examinations. Breaking...

Plight Of A Lady After Artificial Insemination: Ethic-Legal Dillema


Q. A woman is treated for infertility by a doctor claiming to be a specialist in `reproductive medicine' and 'infertility'. The husband of the patient is diagnosed to be azoospermia (no sperms ...

Junk DNA: Is it Really Junk-or a Code Waiting to Be Cracked?


The idea that our genetic material contains Junk DNA is fading. Many DNA segments that were previously believed to be worthless now have important functions, according to recent studies. These ...

Ethical Dilemma and AI Debate: Parents Default on Hospital Bill for Children ...


Children on therapeutic ventilation in a fee-for-service hospital. Parents default in paying the mounting bill. An ethical dilemma. AI debate. Q. Cases Of Children On Ventilators In the Intensi...