Latest from Copyright

The Impact Of Artificial Intelligence Of Intellectual Property Law


Artificial intelligence is rapidly transforming and changing various sectors, and intellectual property law is no exception. As artificial intelligence system is becoming more capable of genera...

International Copyright Under The Copyright Act,1957


The term 'copyright' is derived from the two words 'copy' and 'right'. It originated from the legal concept that the right to make copies of a piece of work, such as a book or a piece of music,...

Copyright Infringement in relation to Literary Work in Question Paper


This case addresses a copyright infringement dispute concerning the reproduction and publication of ICSE Class-X question papers. The central issue is whether the defendant's publication of a g...

Copyright And Free Speech Overlap


The fast-paced globalisation led us to the digital era where among many comforts it gives rise to some complexities, the relationship between copyright and free speech is one of the i...

Licensing and Copyright Management: Rights of Copyright Owners Versus Copyrig...


The case revolves around the rights of copyright owners and the limitations imposed on entities managing intellectual property under the Copyright Act, 1957, as amended. Novex Communications Pv...

Understanding Copyright Law in India: From Registration to Infringement


Who Can Register Copyright The Author: The author is either the individual who creates the original work or, in cases where the work is made during the scope of employment, the e...

Understanding Copyright: A Comprehensive Overview of Indian Copyright Law


Copyright represents a cornerstone of intellectual property rights, ensuring that creators are rewarded and incentivized for their work while balancing public access to knowledge and culture. I...

Copyright Law: Definition, Benefits, Registration Process, and Case Laws in I...


Definition of copyrightCopyright is a bundle of rights given by the law to the creators of literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works and the producers of cinematograph films and sound reco...

Copyright Infringement and its Remedies In India


As we all know, copyright provides exclusive rights to the copyright holder, such as the right to distribute, perform, reproduce, or display the copyrighted work. Copyright infringement refers ...

Compulsory Licensing in India: Patent Law, Public Health, and TRIPS Impact


As per World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), "a patent is an exclusive right granted for an invention, which is a product or a process that provides, in general, a new way of doing s...