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The Lockerbie Incident Cases: The
United Nations Security council is presently the most powerful
institutional body ever established at the global level. Its existence
and powers, as based......By
Aditya Krishnamurthy- Posted: 2006/12/30
CPC, Evidence Law, LBA and Property Law:
Under the Hindu Law, a son is under a pious obligation to
discharge his
father's debts out of his ancestral property even if he had not
benefited by the debts, provided the debts are not avyavaharika......By
Ritu Sharma and Priyanka Tiwari - Posted: 2006/12/28
Diplomatic Immunity In The Context Of
International Human Rights: Diplomacy, as a method of
communication between various parties, is believed to be one of the few
human occupations without which mankind will never be able to live.
Hence, rules regulating the conduct of.....By
Sangeetha Mugunthan - Posted: 2006/12/27
Urgent Need For Change In The Hindu Succession
Act: The Hindu Succession Act was passed in the year 1956.
After Independence, the legislators sought to give right over property
Trayosha Darapuneni - Posted: 2006/12/27
Indian System Of Bail: he concept of
bail, which is an integral part of the criminal jurisprudence, also
suffers from the above stated drawbacks. Bail is broadly used to refer
to the release of a person.....By
Urvashi Saikumar - Posted: 2006/12/21
Banning Films Or Article 19(1)(A): Few
months back, incidents of vociferous protests of many Christian
communities against screening of films like The Da Vinci Code have....By
Subhradipta Sarkar and Archana Sarma - Posted: 2006/12/21
Psychology Of Terrorism: Psychology is
often described as the science of behaviors. It tries to solve the
problems and symptoms individuals encounter because their behavior is in
part a science, but in the study of the mind especially the unconscious
it often moves away....By
Afshan Shamim - Posted: 2006/12/21
You're Lordship: Control Your Emotions:
Mr. Kode, Judge of Special Court, convicted four of the eight members of
the Menon family in 1993 Mumbai blasts, while doing so Mr. Kode failed
Vikas Garg - Posted: 2006/12/21
The Protection Of Women From Domestic Violence Act:
Indian women have always been considered to be downtrodden section of
the society. Men have always treated women....By
Bharat Budholia - Posted: 2006/12/21
Rape law in India and World: Rape is a heinous crime in our
world. Now a days all
civilized country enacted their own law on this topic. India is
exception of this, it also enacted it's own law under.....By
Swagato Paul - Posted: 2006/12/17
Conspiracy as a Torts: the Quinn v.
Leathem type which employs only lawful means but aims at an unlawful
end, and the type which employs unlawful means. Thus the tort can take
the form of....By
Kartikey Mahajan - Posted: 2006/12/15
Single Colour Mark -
It's Register ability in the United States and the United Kingdom:
Non-traditional trademark, also known as a non-conventional trademark is
any type of trademark which does not belong to.....By
Neeti Suri - Posted: 2006/12/15
Artificial Insemination and In Vitro Fertilization
and challenges caused to legal system: Any medical technique
that attempts to obtain a pregnancy by means other than by intercourse
Vidhya S Shenoy - Posted: 2006/12/3
Economic Dimensions in Trademark Law:
The foundations of the Trademarks Act are based on the safeguarding of
the economic rights of the owners of the trademark and also to protect
Mahesh Bissa - Posted: 2006/12/1
Plea Bargaining: Has been introduced in
the Criminal Procedure....By
Sourasubha Ghosh - Posted: 2006/11/21
The Rules To Be Followed By A Court In Applying
Appropriate Law In Cases Having A Foreign Party: Private
International Law or Conflict of Laws is that branch of law, private in
some states, public in others, regulating all lawsuits involving a
foreign law element where a....By
Jayant Bhatt and Tanvi Kapoor - Posted: 2006/11/21
Child Trafficking: Role for Judicial Activism:
When the judiciary, under the guise of interpreting the law, goes a step
beyond, and ends up giving the country new binding law....By
Aditi Sambhar and Sudershani Ray - Posted: 2006/11/21
Irretrievable Breakdown Of Marriage:
Marriages, as they define, are made in heaven and solemnized on earth.
It is a sacrament for Hindus, a sanctified contract for Muslims and a
Pratim Sarkar - Posted: 2006/11/21
Foreign Direct Investment in India: The
economy of India is the third largest in the world as measured by
purchasing power parity (PPP), with a gross domestic product (GDP) of US
$3.611 trillion......By
Animesh Ballabh - Posted: 2006/11/21
Counter Measures and Settlement of disputes in
International Law: One of the most important tasks today in
State responsibility is to establish a satisfactory regime for the
settlement of.....By
Aashish Srivastava - Posted: 2006/11/15
Introduction To The World Of Genes And Genetic
Adventurism: At 4:30 p.m. on 19th October, 2005, UNESCO’s
General Conference, gathered in Paris for its 33rd session, adopted the.....By
Rashmi Raman - Posted: 2006/11/15
Capital Punishment: Unlike animals,
human beings in the course of time have upgraded their social standards
in which they reside and where they can claim to be proud residents.....By
Navod Prasannan - Posted: 2006/11/12
Domestic Violence Act, 2005-A Bane Or A Boon?:
Domestic violence is one of the gravest and the most pervasive human
rights violation. For too long now, women have accepted it as their
Aparna Das - Posted: 2006/11/7
Arrest of Fair Sex Fairly: Under
Article 14 of Indian constitution men and women are equal but
simultaneously Article15 (3) empowers the state to make provisions in
favour of women.......By
Vikas Garg - Posted: 2006/11/5
Changes brought in the position of women:
The Constitution of India provides that every person is entitled for
equality before law and equal protection of the laws and thereby
Shelly Saluja and Soumya Saxena - Posted: 2006/11/1
Criminal Breach Of Trust: Whoever,
being in any manner entrusted with property, or with any dominion over
property, dishonestly misappropriates or converts to his own use that
Divi Jain- Posted: 2006/9/17
Interpretation of Fiscal Statutes:
Should courts interpret laws according to a uniform set of rules, or
should they use different tools for interpreting different statutes?.....By
Aashish Srivastava- Posted: 2006/9/17
Right To Information Act- An Overview:
It has taken India 82 years to transition from an opaque system of
governance, legitimized by the colonial Official Secrets Act, to one
where citizens can......By
Dheeraj Mani- Posted: 2006/9/17
State Succession In International Law:
Since World War II, State succession has become increasingly important
as it affects more States and more legal relationships than ever before.......By
Divyam Agarwal and Mohit Goel- Posted: 2006/9/13
Construction Ejusdem Generis: Canons of
statutory construction are rules of construction for the interpretation
of statute law Canons give common sense guidance to courts in
Jayant Bhatt- Posted: 2006/9/11
Concept Of Social Justice And The Poor:
The term social justice was first used in 1840 by a Sicilian priest,
Luigi Taparelli d'Azeglio, and given prominence by Antonio Rosmini
Serbati in La Costitutione Civile Secondo la Giustizia Sociale in 1848.....By
Anshuman Gupta- Posted: 2006/9/11
Application of the doctrine of Ejusdem generis:
Is a rule of construction. While interpretation or construction of a
statute the first thing which is done by the court is to assign literal
meaning to the statute.....By
Shelly - Posted: 2006/9/11
Can Women be Karta?:
The Karta of a Hindu joint Family in Hindu Law is the senior most
member of the family entitled to manage family affairs, in his
absence the next eldest male member.....By
Manisha Garg and Neha Nagar - Posted: 2006/9/11
Criminal Liability Of Corporate Bodies:
In A company has none of features that characterize a living person, a
mind that can have knowledge or intention or be negligent. But company,
being a.....By
Vikas Garg - Posted: 2006/9/5
Anti-terrorism laws in India and The need of POTA:
After the 9/11 attacks on the world trade center the world's outlook
towards the terrorist and terrorist organization has changed the laws
Siddharth - Posted: 2006/9/5
Property Law: Section 44 of the Transfer of
Property Act, 1882:
The term property in common parlance indicates the economic status of a
person. Any property is held by an individual to draw.....By
Manisha Garg - Posted: 2006/9/5
Right to freedom of Religion vs Religious
Religious conversion has become the subject of passionate debate in
contemporary India. From the early 20th century......By
Deepak Miglani and Dinesh Miglani - Posted: 2006/9/4
Position of karta and the effect of amendment of
section 6 of HSA, 1956 in 2005: A Hindu joint family consists of the common ancestor and all his
lineal male descendants upto any generation together with the
wife/ wives (or widows).......By
Roopa Gargava - Posted: 2006/9/4
Whistle-blowers and the law: the
process by which employees working in a public or private corporation
blow the whistle or disclose claims of malpractices by or within the
Abeer Kumar - Posted: 2006/9/1
A Woman Can't Rape Woman: In State
Govt. V. Sheodayal (1956 Cr LJ 83 M.P) M.P High court opined that
modesty of a woman can be outraged by another women u/s 354. But apex
court recently in Priya Patel V. State Of M.P And Anr......By
Vikas Garg - Posted: 2006/9/1
Res Judicata: means "a thing decided"
in Latin. It is a common law doctrine meant to bar re-litigation of
cases between the same parties in Court......By
Jayant Bhatt - Posted: 2006/9/1
Environment Protection Laws in the British Era:
The problem of environment pollution
is as old as the evolution of Homo sapiens on this planet. Man's
ambition for limitless enjoyment and comfort has led him towards the
exploitation of nature's wealth......By
Bharat Budholai - Posted: 2006/8/31
Bill of Lading: A bill of lading serves
as evidence for a contract of affreightment . This usually arises when a
ship owner, or other person authorized to act on his behalf employs his
vessel as a general ship by advertising......By
Pratima Joglekar - Posted: 2006/8/28
Reservation-Changing Aspect In Modern Time:
Reservation as subject in the Indian society is not a new one. It was
running even from the pre-independence times. The Britishers for their
colonies initially used this concept in the name of welfare purposes......By
Rajesh Punia - Posted: 2006/8/27
Ragging In Educational Institutes: A Human Rights
Perspective: It has been rightly said that the end may not
always justify the means. Behind the fa�ade of ‘welcoming’ new students
to college, ragging, in actuality, is a notorious practice......By
Madhavi Chopra - Posted: 2006/8/26
Public Interest Litigation: In a
developing country, the legal process tends to intimidate the litigant,
who feels alienated from the system. A poor person, who enters the legal
Geetanjali Jha - Posted: 2006/8/25
Tenancy Reforms in India: Productivity
in agriculture is mainly dependent on two sets of factors, they are
techn ological and institutional. Among the technological factors are the
uses of agricultural inputs and methods......By
Jayant Bhatt - Posted: 2006/8/25
Justice Delayed- Justice Denied: Notion as
theory of law
can be defined as a study based on presupposes or ideal which a
men seek for its realization through law, called as
Theory of Justice......By Bhaskar De - Posted: 2006/8/23
Origin and Evolution of the Modern Company Law:
Gone are the days when sole proprietorship and partnership were the most
preferable form of the business wherein the persons use to......By
Rahul Kumar Singh - Posted: 2006/8/23
An introduction to the Legal Services Authorities
Act, 1987: Legal Aid scheme was first introduced by
Justice P.N. Bhagwati under the Legal Aid Committee formed in 1971.......By
Divyam Agarwal - Posted: 2006/8/15
Should India Revamp Its Anti- Terrorism Laws After
The July 11 Serial Explosions On Trains In Mumbai: Social
interest in individual liberty may well have to be subordinated to other
greater social interests......By
Aditya Krishnamurthy - Posted: 2006/8/15
External Commercial Borrowings: The Master Blaster
Of Corporate World: Well this topic is not new, but this three
letter word ECB contains livelihood till some extent of persons in corporate
world. Indian corporate is one of the largest and strongest finance market in
world.....By Aditi Sambhar - Posted: 2006/8/11
Om Prakash v. State of U.P: In the
month of May 2006, in the chaos of Reservation debates with speculation
of World Cup rounding the airs, the Supreme Court judgment in the case
of Om Prakash v. State of Uttar Pradesh.....By
Tine Elizabeth Abraham and Stella Joseph - Posted: 2006/8/10
Market Ambushing: Marketing is the process of planning and executing
the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and
services to create, exchange, and satisfy individual and organizational
objectives.....By Nalin Bawa - Posted: 2006/8/10
Medical Jurisprudence: An Indian Law Perspective: Medico-legal is
the term, which incorporates the basics of two sister professions i.e. Medicine
and Law. Everybody talks about the law but few, aside from lawyers, judges and
law teachers, have more.....By Sneha Venkataramani - Posted: 2006/8/09
Should Right To Information Have Been Granted As A
Fundamental Right?: Since June 2005, when Right to Information Act,
was passed, it has been hailed as the hallmark of democracy for the reasons that
it purports to make, as regards government information......By Vienaya Ganesan -
Posted: 2006/8/09
Rights of Victims under Criminal Justice System: The victim�s rights
rests on a kind of social contract theory, perhaps captured in the preamble to
Louisiana�s 1985 victim�s rights legislation......By Dharm Veer Singh - Posted:
Arbitration and elements of Natural Justice:
The Black's Law dictionary, defines arbitration as a method of dispute
resolution involving one or more neutral third parties, who are agreed
to by the disputing parties and whose decision is binding......By
Sambit Swain and Mehak Khanna - Posted: 2006/8/07
Material Breach: In Commercial
Contracts, a provision is normally provided allowing either party to
terminate upon the other party’s breach of contract. It is common for
contracting parties to include a right for one or both parties to
terminate for a material breach.....By
Vineet Sharma - Posted: 2006/8/06
Online Defamation: Communication is an
art. An art that has developed immensely over the past few centuries and
an art that will continue to reinvent itself to unimaginable
technological advance.....By
Pritha Jha - Posted: 2006/8/03
Human Rights Of Mentally ILL Persons:
Since the dawn of human civilization, mentally ill patients have
received the scant care and concern of the community because of their
unproductive value......By
Manish Lakhawat - Posted: 2006/8/03
Patent Enforcement Measures in India:
IP laws are extremely important for the scientific development of a
country. Strong IP legislations ensure the progress in varied fields and
result in the growth of a country's knowledge bank.......By
Sneha Venkataramani - Posted: 2006/8/02
Same Sex Relationship - Time for Legal Recognition
in India:
It takes great courage to say,
I am a homosexual.
It needs even greater humbleness to put up with the statement: What did
you say? You are a homosexual......By
Manish Lakhawat - Posted: 2006/8/01
An Analysis of Parliamentary Privileges in India:
The term "parliamentary privileges" is used in Constitutional writings
to denote both these types of rights and immunities.....By
Jayant Bhatt - Posted: 2006/8/01
Role of International Court of Justice:
After the Second World War the Permanent Court of International Justice
(PCIJ) was replaced by the International Court of Justice (ICJ).....By
Prof. Vijay oak - Posted: 2006/7/29
The Shah Bano Mandate: The Need For Revival:
Long back in 1985 came the landmark judgment of the Supreme Court in the
case of Mohd. Ahmed Khan v. Shah Bano Begum , which gave way to
controversies in the Muslim world.....By
Trideep Raj Bhandari - Posted: 2006/7/13
Tautological Aspect Of English Mortgage In India:
Like simple mortgage, an English mortgage can also be enforced by sale,
but it bears certain additional features as well.....By
Vivek Satyani - Posted: 2006/7/13
Product Patent for the Indian Pharmaceutical
Sector under the TRIPS regime: the Indian Patent Act of 1970
was amended on March 22, 2005, to fulfill its obligation under the TRIPS
Sudipta Sarkar - Posted: 2006/7/13
Anti Superstition Law: The history of
the anti superstition bill began in 2003, when the first draft of the
anti superstition bill was tabled. It was called the Jadu Tona
Andhshradha Virodhi bill of 2003.....By
Pritha Jha - Posted: 2006/7/13
International Law:
Although the Rome
Statue for the creation of the International Criminal Court repeatedly
points out the fact that the court its ratification will create will be
an independent body....By
Varun Pathak- Posted: 2006/7/13
Liquidated Damages v. Penalty: Are Causation and
Loss Really Required: In a contract, the parties may name a
sum to be payable in the event of breach. If such sum is a genuine pre
estimate of loss it is termed liquidated damages....By
Chetan Gupta- Posted: 2006/7/13
Article 21 Of The Constitution Of India:
The Constitution of India provides Fundamental Rights under Chapter III.
These rights are guaranteed by the constitution. One of these rights is
provided under article 21 which reads as follows.....By
Vidhan Maheshwari- Posted: 2006/7/13 -
Kapila Hingorani v. State of Bihar Judicial
Profligacy or Philanthropy: Our constitution, which is
arguably the largest written constitution in the world, expressly
provides for the proliferating.....By
Abhinav Kardekar- Posted: 2006/7/13
Securitisation: A Boon for the Banking Sector:
With advent of the Recovery of Debts Due To Banks and Financial
Institutions Act, 1993 there was a great hope within the banking circle
that most of the Non Performing Assets
Soumya S Mohapatra- Posted: 2006/7/13
Arrears On Judiciary demand for judicial reform:
In the Indian democratic society, for protecting and enhancing the
rights of the people, judiciary plays an important role besides
Rajesh Punia - Posted: 2006/7/12
What is patent: Patent, is a legal
document granted by the government giving an inventor the exclusive
right to make, use, and sell an invention for a specified number of
years.By Jayant Bhatt - Posted: 2006/7/12
Corporate Criminal Liability:
Large multinational
corporations have come to dominate the national and global economic
scene. The scale of their operations is enormous. By Dharm Veer Singh -
Posted: 2006/7/12
Why is NBFC a House Divided unto
Itself?: NBFC’s (Non Banking Financial Companies) are
reported periodically to be under the RBI (Reserve Bank of India) lens
for one reason or the other. Under the circumstances, any effort by
RBI By Adv.Arijit Chakraborty - Posted: 2006/7/12
Consumer Protection Act, 1986: 2002 Amendments-
Laurels and Loopholes: Section 2 (d) of the Consumer
Protection Act, 1986, defines ‘consumer’ as any person.....By
Neha Das - Posted: 2006/6/30
Role of PIL in Environmental Protection In India: The Indian
judiciary adopted the technique of public interest litigation for the cause
of environmental protection in many cases.....By Vijay Oak - Posted:
Taking Prisoner’s Rights Seriously:
Less than 200 years ago, the attitude to prisons, prisoners and
punishment was brutal and barbaric.....By
Saurbh Kothari - Posted: 2006/6/30
Recognition Of Homosexuality In India-Its Time:
The marriage of Wendell Rodericks, one of India’s prominent fashion
designers and his French gay partner Jerome was solemnized at ....By
Nupur Mukherjee - Posted: 2006/6/29
Right To Employment Of Disables: A
Law Merely On Paper: Human rights are the fundamental or basic rights,
which should not be taken away by any individual or government....By
Priya Bansal - Posted: 2006/6/29
Pollution: Sources, Effects and Control: The present
generation and the coming generations have to solve three grave
problems, namely, population poverty and pollution.....By
Deepak Miglani - Posted: 2006/6/29
Judicial Activism and Environmental Jurisprudence in
India: Prior to 1980s, only the aggrieved party could
personally knock the doors of justice and seek remedy for.....By
Rohan Bagai - Posted: 2006/6/28
Reservation in Educational Institution:
Union HRD Ministry's proposal of 27 per cent reservation for OBC
students in Centrally-funded universities has re-ignited the merit vs
caste debate.....By
Vishal Vora - Posted: 2006/6/28
Patent Protection in the field of Nanotechnology:
Nanotechnology is the design, characterization, production and
application of structures, devices and systems by controlling shape and
Sneha Venkataramani - Posted: 2006/6/28
Ethica Arbitrationis: In the business
community the term
‘ethics’, nowadays, risks being abused as much as
the notion of philosophy......By
Anand Shankar Jha - Posted: 2006/6/28
Trademark Disputes over Domain Names:
With the globalization and commercialization of the Internet, domain
names have taken on a new significance as business identifiers......By
Rohan and Akshat - Posted: 2006/6/28
A Theological Approach: is defined as an intentional killing
by an act/omission of person whose life is felt is not to be worth
Nikhil Agrawal - Posted: 2006/4/28
Legal Aid: Legal Aid implies giving
free legal services to the poor and needy who cannot afford the services
of a lawyer for the conduct of a case or a legal proceeding.....By
Varun Pathak - Posted: 2006/4/27
Wild life Protection: Wild life means the plants, animals, and
insects etc.,.... In India, a long time back an attempt was made to save
wildlife by way of enacting Indian Forest Act, 1927.....By Prof. Vijay Oak -
Posted: 2006/4/27
Economic Torts: The ECONOMIC TORTS, as
their name suggests, have as their primary function, the protection of
claimant’s economic interests.....By
Vivek Satyani - Posted: 2006/4/26
Objectives of Criminal Justice System:
Criminal Justice refers to the agencies of government charged with
enforcing law, adjudicating crime, and correcting criminal conduct.....By
Rahul Kumar Singh - Posted: 2006/4/26
Theories Of Punishment-A Socio-Legal View:
Each society has its own way of social control for which it frames
certain laws and also mentions the sanctions with them......By
Shaswata Dutta - Posted: 2006/4/26
Conditional Access System: In this era
of technological superiority, law has to keep pace with the
technological advancements in order to survive the risk of being termed
Archana and Richa - Posted: 2006/4/26
Death Sentence: Death penalty has been
a mode of punishment since time immemorial. The arguments for and
against has not changed much over the years.....By
Prof. Satish Kumar - Posted: 2006/4/25
Laws Governing Extradition: ...Abu Salem's
extradition: Extradition may be briefly described as the
surrender of an alleged or convicted criminal by one State to
Puneet Vyas - Posted: 2006/4/25
Are Phase I Clinical Trials of Foreign Drugs
Permitted in India?: The Indian Clinical Research Outsourcing
(CRO) industry is growing rapidly and brings with it attendant
regulatory concerns....By
Arijit Chakraborty - Posted: 2006/4/25
Caveat Emptor or Caveat Venditor:
‘Let the buyer beware’ is not a phrase that
judges use very often nowadays. The age-old rule of caveat emptor
Trideep Raj Bhandari - Posted: 2006/4/22
Competition Act, 2002 And Its Relevance:
Since attaining Independence in 1947,India, for the better part of half
a century thereafter, adopted and followed policies comprising what are
known as.....By
Surabhi Singhi - Posted: 2006/4/21
The Right To Information Act: if
secrecy were to be observed in the functioning of government and the
processes of government were to be kept hidden from public
Nishant Gaurav Gupta - Posted: 2006/4/19
Copyright Protection for Graphical User Interface:
Considering the importance of user interface in a software program, the
issue of providing legal protection for user interfaces......By
Abhishek Joshi and Sudip Mahapatara - Posted: 2006/4/19
Lost Reverence: Law as a profession has
undergone sea change. A revered and honoured profession has become
synonymous with immorality and corruption......By
Osama Suhail - Posted: 2006/4/16
Impact Of Information Technology On Corporate
Social Responsibility: Corporate management and governance
has, as its primary objective......By
Abeera Kohli and Jasmeet Singh - Posted: 2006/4/16
Virtual Cheques - A Distant Reality: It
was reported in Economic Times on the 20th February 2002 that the
Reserve bank of India is setting up a task force to......By
Jayeeta Ray and Prashant Singh - Posted: 2006/4/15
Sale Of Goodwill After Dissolution Of A
Partnership Firm: Dissolution of a firm implies dissolution
of the partnership between all partners of a firm. It may be by
agreement, compulsory......By
Vanshaja Shukla- Posted: 2006/4/15
Swiss Challenge System: is a new
bidding process to help private sector initiative in core sector
Roopam Verma
- Posted: 2006/4/14 -
Justice Delayed is Justice Denied: A
sense of confidence in the courts is essential to maintain the fabric....By
Deepak Miglani
- Posted: 2006/4/14 -
Urgent Need of Amendment in Indian Evidence Act:
Section 112 of Indian Evidence Act starts, stating, "Birth during
marriage, conclusive proof of legitimacy"....By
Dharm Veer Singh - Posted: 2006/4/14
Mere Semantic Jujitsu:Not An Apocalyptic Outcome
For Technology Sector: In October 2001, the major media
entertainment and communications companies (hereinafter referred to as
Sunita Tripathy - Posted: 2006/4/5
The Paradox Of Inter Country Adoption:
Inter-country adoption can be defined as adoption..By Mohit Aggarwal - Posted: 2006/4/4 -
Rights Of The Child and The Juvenile Justice (Care
And Protection Of Children) ACT, 2000:
Human rights are those rights which are essential to live as human
beings' basic....By
Mohit Aggarwal - Posted: 2006/4/3
Do the Judges make or declare law with reference
to Hart and Dworkin’s Principle in Indian legal System: the
rule-making authority must exercise discretion, and there is no
possibility of treating the question raised by the various cases as if
there were one uniquely correct answer to be found, as...By
Aashish Srivastava - Posted: 2006/4/3 -
Electronic Records In Share Market - Stamping It
Or Stumping It?: GAIL has signed an agreement with the NSDL
for providing this facility to the shareholders of GAIL....By
Roopam Verma and Kanupriya Bhargava - Posted: 2006/4/3
Right To Separate Residence Of Hindu Woman:
Divorce is the final and legal termination of marriage. It is often seen
as one kind of mechanism for dealing with the pressures caused by
marriage... By
Shaswata Dutta - Posted: 2006/4/2
Public Servants Vis-�-Vis Penal Laws:
During the Mauryan Era (313 BC), in the ancient India (200 BC - 1000
AD), the Civil Servants performed the role of Personal Servants.....
By Vivek Satyani - Posted: 2006/3/14
Mortgagees Right To Sell: The power of
the mortgagee to sell without intervention of the court, before the
incorporation of such right under Section 69 of the Transfer of Property
Act, 1882....
By Rahul Kumar Singh - Posted 2006/3/14
Right To Food As A Human Right: The
replacement of exclusive dependence upon hunting, fishing, and gathering
by the beginnings of agriculture was the first great step-in human
By Anirban Sarkar - Posted 2006/3/3
Analysis of value added chain (Value Added Tax):
VAT or Value Added Tax is, perhaps, one of the most important fiscal
innovations of the 20th century. First it was introduced in France in
By Parikshit - Posted 2006/3/3
Intellectual Property:
Having ownership of intellectual
property rights in a product gives one certain exclusive rights to do
things with the product. Generally....
By Samiksha - Posted 2006/3/3
Patent Amendment Act, 2005- An Over View:
intellectual property in India is important at all levels of statutory,
administrative and judiciary. India ratified the agreement
establishing... By Parikshit
- Posted 2006/2/25
Corporate Crimes: Much of our lives and daily routines are affected by corporate activities. To a great extent, companies provide the food we eat, the water we drink.... By Kunal Mehta - Posted Year 2006/2/3
Selecting Judge: Hurculean Task: The method by which judges are selected has become a matter of considerable concern for the citizens of our state....By Aditi Sambhar - Posted Year 2006/2/3
Democracy And The Law: Democracy is not a mere form of government. It is a type of state as well as an order of society. Some tried to define democracy... By Pankaj Kumar Dua - Posted Year 2006/2/3
New competition regime in India: The UK White Paper on competition published in July 2001 interalia observed that vigorous Competition is vital to...By Debashree Dutta - Posted Year 2006/2/3
Stopped Payment Of Cheque: A stopped payment is usually requested if the cheque has been declared missing or lost. But many a times....By Naresh Pareek - Posted Year 2006/2/2
Redefining the Rape Laws in India: Rape is a crime of violence; it is not sex. At common law, rape was defined as the unlawful carnal knowledge of a woman, without her consent..... By D.S. Krishnawat - Posted Year 2006/1/30
Accident Claims in India: With the development of civilization, act of negligence have become actionable wrong. In the English Law any person or the legal representative of....By Kunal Mehta - Posted Year 2006/1/30
Prisoners- The Castaways of Society: Rousseaus warning Man is free, but is everywhere in chains, has predictably metamorphosed into reality...By Spiti Sarkar - Posted Year 2006/1/30
Problems facing Public Interest Litigation in India: At the time of independence , court procedure was drawn from the Anglo-Saxon system of jurisprudence...By Geetanjali Jha - Posted Year 2006/1/13
Right To Strike- A Legitimate Illegality: Widely known for patronizing democratic human rights and upholding their sacrosanct position, the apex court seems to be...By Srinivas medisetty - Posted Year 2006/1/13
Compulsory Voting In India a Step Towards Real Democracy: The constitution sets up in India a "Democratic Republic". It means government by the people. Democracy may properly be defined as that form - Babita Pabbi - Posted: 2014/10/03
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