International child custody disputes have become increasingly complex in a globalized world, where families frequently cross-national borders due to work, education, or personal reasons. These ...
Under the reign of Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, India was one of the first countries to implement an official family planning system. India is the second most populous country in the world after China...
"It is an injustice to treat unequals as equals, just as it is an injustice to treat equals as unequals."-- Aristotle[1] Dr BR Ambedkar highlighted how the British government had deliberately ...
Confession is a self-harming statement made by an accused acknowledging his guilt. It is the strongest evidence against the maker thereof but all confessions are not equally valuable. The admis...
The Specific Relief Legislation, 1963 is an act of the Indian Parliament that replaced an older act enacted in 1877. On 13th December 1963, the same was passed. The statute provides remedies fo...
The Specific Relief Legislation, 1963 is an act of the Indian Parliament that replaced an older...
Confession is a self-harming statement made by an accused acknowledging his guilt. It is the st...
"It is an injustice to treat unequals as equals, just as it is an injustice to treat equals as ...
International child custody disputes have become increasingly complex in a globalized world, wh...