This study explores the critical function of competition legislation in preventing anti-competitive behaviour in the context of mergers and acquisitions (M&A). Concerns about market competi...
This study delves into the profound impact of artificial intelligence (AI) integration with patent law, demonstrating how AI has revolutionized the field in multiple aspects. It analyses the co...
The issue of "Marital Rape" is explained in this study paper. Marital rape is thoroughly examined in the current study, which covers the legal background of the crime as well as vario...
The topic of this research paper is the death penalty and how Indian law views it. The accused may face a variety of penalties under Indian law depending on the offence or offences. Among the p...
This research article will explore the legal and social aspects of bigamy in India, with a focus on both traditional and modern trends, as well as the specific provisions of the Hindu Marriage ...
The concept of digital privacy is intricate and multi-dimensional. In the realm of social psychology, privacy is characterized as the intentional management of who is permitted access to one's ...
This research article throws lights on the "Impact Of Media In Society" with respect to provided provisions or rights for media in the Indian Constitution. How media is helping citizens to acce...
Abstract Artificial Intelligence has the potential to support the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals in developing countries, such as poverty reduction, improved healthcare and educa...
This study delves into the profound impact of artificial intelligence (AI) integration with pat...
This research article will explore the legal and social aspects of bigamy in India, with a focu...
This research article throws lights on the "Impact Of Media In Society" with respect to provide...
Abstract Artificial Intelligence has the potential to support the achievement of Sustainable D...