Unseen Scars And Unspoken Agony: A Critical Perspective On Domestic Violence ...


Domestic violence in India has long been a pervasive issue despite a robust legal framework aimed at its mitigation. The occurrence of domestic violence against women in India constitutes a com...

Role of Police in the Implementation of the Protection of Women from Domestic...


This article explores the critical role of police in enforcing the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act (PWDVA) of 2005 and delivering justice to victims of domestic violence. Utilizi...

The POSH Act: A Critical Analysis of Its Limitations and Impact


The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act, 2013, widely known as the POSH Act, was introduced in India to combat sexual harassment in workplaces a...

Breaking The Silence: A Legal Call To Action Against Sexual Harassment


Sexual Harassment is a widespread problem that affects millions of women and men in India, perpetuating a culture of fear, silence and stigma. Despite the passage of the Sexual Harassment of Wo...

Women Health And Abortion Rights: A Legal Perspective on Medical Termination ...


The beauty of being a woman is the most honoured art of the ultimate creator. The ability that nature gave to women to nurture and give birth to another being is itself one of the notable and w...

Social transformation of Women: Through the lens of Covid-19


According to Karl Marx social transformation means transformation of the society. Therefore, it indicates the social change arising in the society due to changing circumstances. According to hi...

Paid Menstrual Leaves: A Progressive Step in Harmony with the Constitution of...


In recent discussions surrounding paid menstrual leave, an important question emerges: Is menstruation a disability or a natural biological process? Union Minister for Women & Child Develop...

Reframing Marital Rape: The Legal Perspective And The Cultural Myth


Marital rape is an important but frequently disregarded problem that questions the basic concept of consent in the context of marriage. This article focuses on the validation and cruciality of ...

Marital Rape: Value of Wife's Consent


Rape is a heinous crime. It is a crime against humanity. Its traces are left forever on one's mind, body and soul. Marital rape is a kind of rape which makes a person incapable of trusting. Mar...

Widow’s Legal Rights: Maintenance and Property Claims Under Hindu Law


Widow's Right: Limited to Maintenance This right of survivorship, on the other hand, is fully recognized by the Mitakshara as excluding the widow and other heirs in the enumeration ...